Mercedes C-Class

W203 since 2000 of release

Repair and operation of the car

+ Mercedes-Benz cars of class C (W-203)
+ Operation manual
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine
+ Cooling system and heating
- Power supply system and release
   + Power supply system of the petrol and diesel engine
   - System of injection of fuel of the petrol engine
      Security measures during the work with system of injection of the petrol engine
      Functioning of a control system and injection of the petrol engine
      General check of system of injection of the petrol engine
      Removal and installation of the measuring instrument of mass of air
      Check of injectors
      Removal and installation of the fuel distributive highway and injectors
      Check and adjustment of speed of the single course / moment of ignition/concentration WITH
   + System of injection of fuel of the diesel engine. Turbocompressor
   + Systems of release and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases. Turbocompressor
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Manual transmission
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

Removal and installation of the fuel distributive highway and injectors

Fuel distributive highway, injectors and sensors.
The 4-cylinder petrol engine 111 (1 of 3)

1 — the Stopper
2 — the Valve, accession for check of pressure of fuel
3 — the Fuel distributive highway
4 — the Bolt of M8, 9 Nanometers
5 — the Lock bracket
6 — a fuel pressure Damper
7 — the Lock bracket, an injector to the fuel distributive highway
8 — the Injector

Fuel distributive highway, injectors and sensors.
The 4-cylinder petrol engine 111 (2 of 3)

1 — the Sensor of position of the camshaft
2 — the Bolt, 8 Nanometers
3 — the Bolt of M6, 8 Nanometers
4 — the Washer
5 — the Sensor of provision of a bent shaft
6 — the detonation Sensor
7 — the Bolt, 20 Nanometers. The moment of an inhaling has to be maintained precisely
8 — the Cable of mass of the engine with fastening

Fuel distributive highway, injectors and sensors.
The 4-cylinder petrol engine 111 (3 of 3)

1 — the Sensor of temperature of cooling liquid
2 — the Stopper for the emergency switch of pressure of oil
3 — the absorption pressure Sensor
4 — the Sealing ring
5 — the oil level Sensor



1. Disconnect a negative cable (-) of the rechargeable battery at the switched-off ignition. It is previously necessary to remove a box of the filter of air of salon.

Before a detachment of a cable find out a protective code of the radio receiver if that is available, address the Section Replacement of the Rechargeable Battery.

2. Engine 112: Remove the top cover of the engine or the air filter from covers of a head of cylinders.
3. Release the electric wires going to injectors. Mark the provision of a connector of cables for simplification of the subsequent installation.
4. Disunite sockets of injectors, having pressed a wire bracket.
5. Dump fuel pressure, address the Section Dropping Pressure in fuel system.
6. Disconnect a fuel-supply line from the fuel distributive highway. At emergence of the following fuel wipe it with a rag.
7. C32AMG: Remove the top part of the distributor of the forced air up.
8. Disconnect the fuel distributive highway and take out it together with injectors from the inlet pipeline.
9. Remove a lock bracket sideways of an injector and take out an injector from a distributive pipe.



1. Put on injectors (2) novyeuplotnitelny rings (3) and (4) and slightly grease them.

2. Insert injectors into the fuel distributive highway and record it a lock bracket (1) so that the bracket entered a tetrahedral guide of an injector.
3. Check sealing rings on the fuel distributive highway, if necessary, replace. Oil rings before installation pure motive.
4. Insert the fuel distributive highway with injectors into the inlet pipeline or on the lower part of the distributor of the forced air and fix by effort 9 Nanometers.
5. Fix a fuel-supply line on a pipe by the moment of 38 Nanometers.
6. Establish into place the top part of the distributor of the forced air.
7. Join sockets of injectors and record. Lay a cable as it passed before removal and record a connector.
8. Establish the top cover of the engine or the air filter.
9. Attach a negative cable (-) to the rechargeable battery at the switched-off ignition. Establish into place a box of the filter of air of salon. Enter a code of the radio receiver and determine time on hours.